
Friday, November 22, 2013

Beautiful Broken Rules by Kimberly Lauren

I was in the mood for a "man-eater"...
and knew "Beautiful Broken Rules" was the perfect fit!

Jax and Emerson's story was believable and I enjoyed it the whole way through.

When the time came, I wasn't ready for it to end.
I mean, I knew I was going to have attachment issues waaaay before I finished the last sentence, because...It's one of those books....
The kind that grip you from the inside and stay with you.
It's not necessarily "deep" per-say, but it holds onto you and gets you thinkin', instead of sleepin'.

So what's Beautiful Broken Rules about?

Emerson is a man-eater.
She loves men, but only wants them for one thing.
She's not ashamed of it.
With her past -
It's just her nature.
She's upfront about what her "rules" are and there is never any long term commitment.

Jax is a football star.
A ladies man.
No woman has ever told him "No", and
Once you get to know him, we can all see why!!

Their initial introduction will throw you for a loop.
(It's definitely a compromising position, not one I expected, and not one I'd ever want to be in myself!)

After their pleasantries,
You can tell,
One things for sure...
Somethin's cookin' in the kitchen, and you're going to want to make a meal out of it!

These two are just what the other one needs, in more ways than one, and it's a journey you're going to want to stick around for!

Loved everything about this story - 5 stars for me!

Want to know what's even better?

Beautiful Broken Mess (Jace's Story!! *Swoon*) is now available!
I got this, ladies.
I got this.

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