
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Put an End to Bed Gap with the Bed Roll Up

Almost sounds like I need a Patton on this creation with that kind of title!

Truthfully, I wasn't really sure what to call this contraption, so that's how we ended up with the "Bed Roll Up"

Back in July, we switched our 2 year daughter from her toddler bed, into a big girl bed - which she loves! Unfortunately, even with the bed smack dab against the wall, it still left a reasonable sized gap.  One that was big enough for her to roll over and stuck in.  Si; No bueno!!!

So...Mom put on her SuperMom shirt she received for Mother's Day, and off she went to save the day ;)

If you or someone you know has this problem as well...fear no more!

You'll Need:

A large work space
Twin size foam mattress pad. (Ours was given to us, but you could easily use one of those large swim noodles.  That'd save you some steps, and if you don't have a mattress pad on hand, some cash too!)
Duct Tape
Old Twin Sheet
Props (Optional)
12 arms...and a little patience ;)

To start make sure you have a nice large workspace with all your supplies at hand.

Lay out your mattress pad.  Fold it in half, and then in half again.  This is where those props come in handy!
Now get your duct tape ready.  So it would be easier to set the tape in place, then continue to unwrap.  I did this:
It helped a lot
Now for the additional folds.  Try to wrap the mattress as taut as you can.  Remember to keep it consistent all the way down.  This is the time that the swim noodle starts to sound like a dream!;)

Once it's folded the way you desire, wrap your duct tape around:

Now continue the rest of the way down:
Lay your sheet out.  Folded in quarters, so you don't have to wrap as many times. *As seen above*  Then tie your ribbon around to "fasten" the sheet.  Start at one end, and work your way down.

So far it's working perfect!  Over the last month and a half, we haven't had any issues with this no sew project (ie. unraveling, or anything else), and I love that it's easy to unwrap to wash, and it's just as easy to tie back up.  I will say, that I'm soooo over duct taping!  Use the swim noodle if you can.  The mattress was a process, but it's so nice and fluffy!!


  1. THIS IS GREAT! :D We are switching wy over to his big boy bed very soon. I will FOR SURE be making one of these! THANKS! :D

  2. Awesome! You could find some fun character Velcro or elastic, instead of using ribbon for his. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
