
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Experiment in Terror Series by Karina Halle Reading Order

I have toyed back and forth with posting this, because I am a BIG.FAT.SCAREDY.CAT!

No seriously....

My Mom used to tell me all the time that I should write my own books, because the dreams I have had would scare the daylights out of Steven King.

Now, don't get me wrong...
I love reading and watching horror books/movie's, it's the aftermath that gets me.
Ya know, when you have to use the restroom in the middle of the night and the same fixtures you see day in and day out don't seem quite the same as they normally would be.  Booooooo!! *;) winking 

BUT now...I keep on hearing about Dex (!), and you guys are making me want to change my ways. Chanting that the "Experiment in Terror" books are ones I "need" to read with it being Halloween.

It doesn't help that you say they're schmexy (sold!), so even if they do have the scare in them, that kinda intridges me, in a warped sorta way...!

So, I did it.  Eep!
I went and grabbed Book 1, Dark House, the other day, and guess what?!?
You guys are in for a treat!
All of Karina Halle's "Experiment in Terror" Books are currently listed at $.99!

So for those of you who don't mind a little bump in the night, grab 'em up.
I hear this is a series not to be missed!

Dark House, Experiment in Terror #1 <---Currently FREE!

Red Fox, Experiment in Terror #2

The Benson, Experiment in Terror #2.5

Dead Sky Morning, Experiment in Terror #3

Lying Season, Experiment in Terror #4

On Demon Wings, Experiment in Terror #5

Old Blood, Experiment in Terror #5.5

The Dex-Files, Experiment in Terror #5.7

Into the Hollow, Experiment in Terror #6

And With Madness Comes the Light, Experiment in Terror #6.5

Come Alive, Experiment in Terror #7

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