
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Menu Tags

Here is a menu I created about a year ago.  The inspiration came from this pin I saw on Pinterest around that time. 

I loved the bright colors of Yellow with the pops of Green and Red, so I was on a mission to make my own.

This menu has been great for our family over the last year, but the menu items were starting to become a hassle.

I had made up and printed out menu tags with a rotation of items we go through on pretty paper, but over time, I realized that sometimes I want to make something that isn't printed, and they weren't laminated, so I always had to be cautious as to where I was sitting my menu tags.

To this day, I still don't have a laminator.  So I took the color of construction paper I wanted and covered it with a page protector and created my menu tags that way.

Today, my menu planning is easy and simple. I just mark the menu tag with my items for the next two weeks, and when the time comes, they easily wipe off with a dry erase pad.

Did you know they even make dry erase markers with erasers and magnets already built in.  Yep!  They're really nice!

So there you have it.  My little tip to make every day life a little simpler.

Do you plan a menu?  Do you do a monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly rotation?  Do you have any helpful tips to share?  As always, I love to hear your feedback.

Happy Planning,


  1. CUTE CUTE! Another fun tip - you could cover your strips of paper with clear packing tape! :D
    I am now adding this to my to-do list of things to make! :)

  2. I have a similair menu board from pinterest...I laminated mine (which you can borrow the machine anytime!!). I put the grocery items I would need for each meal on the back of the paper, that way I can just pick out 14 of them turn them over & make me list. I never forget anything this way!!

  3. Replies
    1. If you'd like more information on the menu Cassie is talking about, please visit this link for more information. Its very informational!
